Developer install#

These instructions assume the use of Ubuntu 22.04. However, given that all code is run within Docker containers this system would be expected to run easily on other systems.


  • Docker is required to be installed on your PC. Instructions to install Docker Engine on Ubuntu can be found at

  • An installation of Phoebus is recommended to observe the scans. Phoebus can be downloaded from

  • If using VSCode installing the H5Web extension allows the easy viewing of the hdf output files from scans

  • To use EPAC Docker images from you need to ensure that you have an access token setup. This can be done by following the instructions here


Clone this repository using:

$ git clone clone

Build the top level bluesky environment Docker container by running

$ docker build -t tomoscan .

Navigate to the sim folder and build the docker files for the simulation and IOCs by running

$ ./

A .env file is used to supply information on the CLF docker containers used in the docker compose environment. Copy the example-dotenv file to create a local .env file as follows:

$ cp example-dotenv .env

It can be easier to make changes to the python script which launches bluesky src/ locally rather than in a Docker container during development. In that case use a python venv to install the dependencies of the python script as:

$ cd tomoscan
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e '.[dev]'